Obssessed with shiny clip?

My mum has this shiny metal clip that she wears on her hair every day and whenever she’s sitting down, my brother would stand beside her and kind of like, see himself in the clip because it’s shiny and he’d also kiss it o-o

Today my mum was brushing her hair and the clip was beside her on a table. My brother took the clip and went to my mum. He became quite upset and wanted her to wear it. Only when she finally put it on was he finally satisfied and my mum picked him up and he kissed it I think.

I’m very interested as to why he’s like this. Any one ever experienced something like this?


Balloons and Updates!

Hello! Well it’s been over a month. I’m hoping NOT to make a habit of this but like I stated in my last blog post, college comes first. Thankfully, college finished tomorrow for Christmas break however, it doesn’t stop the amount of revision I have to do or the coursework I have to complete -.-

But I did promise myself to work on this project, however little or big it may be during the holidays. So here I am. From the last post till now, everything has been hectic. From college, to my brothers school. Well firstly, he turned 5 in November so YIPPEYY! He’s a year older. But because he’s a year older, it means we need to focus on his speech therapy even more. I know that in his new school, he’s going to have speech therapy every Thursday but I currently feel lost. As do my family.

And because we feel lost, we need to get updates. But it’s really hard because you really want to ask them but you don’t want to feel like your pestering them. I understood the work of a speech and language therapist but it wasn’t till I brought this book just how much work was involved:


This book has become my guide, something I carry with me every where I go and to those who are aspiring to be a speech and language therapist- this book is a must have! Patience is key however it doesn’t hurt asking!



Ok so balloon’s have become my brothers latest obsession. Wait, it’s always been but we only have them around for birthdays and it was my birthday like two weeks ago so our house was filled with balloons. But never fear, my brother somehow managed to pop all 18 balloons. It’s scary when he lays his head onto the balloon when it’s on the floor so I tend to scream whenever my gut feeling says it’s going to blow. Jeehz I’m such a girl.

In other news, going to be working on the logo for the project. I feel that once I do this, I can maybe get things done slowly and get somewhere xD Oh and I have 3 offers, and 1 rejection Q~Q My heart hurts from the rejection but it’s ok… I wasn’t going to go there anyway ¬____¬ BUT I AM STILL WAITING FROM CITY! I hope I get an interview Q~Q